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NAAC Documents:

Extended Profile

2.2 State Govt. rules for Reservation
3.2 Teachers Sanctioned list

Criterion I: - Curricular Aspects

1.1.2 Certificate/diploma program
1.2.1 New courses introduced
1.2.2 Syllabus for Elective course
1.2.3 Students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma /Add-on programs
1.3.1 Institution integrates cross cutting issues relevant to Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics into the Curriculum
1.3.3 Students undertaking field projects / internships

Criterion II: - Teaching Learning and Evaluation

2.3.2 e-learning Resources
2.4.4 & 3.3.2 Teachers who receive state, national and international recognition and awards

Criterion III: - Research, Innovations and Extension

3.2.2 Workshops Seminars Conducted
3.3.5 Books and chapters in edited volumes books published
3.5.1 Linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship
3.5.2 Functional MoUs with ongoing activities

Criterion IV: - Infrastructure and Learning Resources


Criterion V: - Student Support and Progression


Criterion VI: - Governance, Leadership and Management


Criterion VII: - Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1.12 Code of conduct for students
7.1.13 Core values in the institution