1. Maintain discipline with due respect to the authority.
2. It is mandatory to wear prescribed uniform in the college campus.
3. They have to wear identity card which is provided to them at the time of admission by the college.
4. Use of Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the college campus, but they can talk or send urgent messages form mobile free zone.
5. The students should be regular and punctual in both their theory and practical classes.
6. 75% attendance is must in both theory and practical classes.
7. Use of polythene and plastic bags are strictly prohibited or punishable offence in the college campus.
8. Damage to or destruction of any property of the college or any property of others on the Higher Educations Institution is punishable.
9. Ragging of new admitted students are strictly prohibited.
10. Students can not organize or attend any meeting in the college premises. They cannot collect money for any purpose without written permission of the principal.
1. Provides inspirational and motivational value bases academic and execution leadership to the college.
2. Assume full responsibility for discipline in the college.
3. Nominate and elect conveners and members for various committees to ensure smooth running of the college.
4. Impartial, secular dignified and functional in discharging her duties.
5. Monitor various and extra carricullar activities done by the students.
6. Maintain tolerance while dealing with burning issues with students and teachers.
7. Observance of the Act, Statues, ordinance, Rules and Regulations other orders issued from university time and time.
8. Observance and implementation of directives issued by government.
9. Timely submission of information/returns to different authorities.
1. Punctual and attentive towards their classes.
2. Seek to make professional growth continuously through study and research.
3. Express free and frank openion by participation at the professional meetings, seminars, conferences aimed contribution towards generation and growth of knowledge.
4. Discourage and not to indulge in the unfair practice of plagiarism and other non ethical conduct in teaching and research.
5. Abide by the acts, statutes and ordinance of the University.
6. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra curricular activities, including service.
1. To help all the members of the institute for the smooth conduct of activities.
2. TO update themselves with policies of college which are relevant to their responsibilities.
3. To follow the college policies to the best of their ability.
4. To behave in decent and friendly manner with the students, parents and outsiders.
5. To exhibit a commitment to provide a supportive environment for learning.
6. To assist students to adhere to the institutional policies.
7. To refrain from using work time to promote personal, religious, political, social, or business agendas.
8. To use communication facilities only for professional purpose in responsible manner.
9. To understand the job scope, practices, and procedures relating to their position.
10. To meet targets regarding work to be performed to the best of the ability.
11. To manage time effectively be well organized demonstrate ability to problem solve within the scope of their position.
12. No staff employed in a college shall absent himself from her duties without prior permission.
13. To refrain from engaging in malpractices.
14. No staff employed in a college shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence on her superior authority in respect of her individual service interests.